Public Speaking Insights For College Students

At the Global Education Network, we pride ourselves on supporting events and conferences where students can participate and learn important skills such as public speaking. In fact, we are in the process of organizing an academic conference where we want to invite our female students to see some amazing female public speakers present at our event. Here is where you will be able to learn first hand how these great orators command a stage.

That being said, if you want to get started in public speaking, sometimes it’s good to be part of a panel discussion. These are useful forums for people to gain large amounts of information on a topic by experts, scholars or leaders in a given field all at the same time. Panel discussions are often held by businesses, professional and academic organizations, and fan conventions. Each of these panel discussions need someone to lead them. This is the moderator of the discussion. Moderating a panel effectively requires knowledge, preparation and the ability to organize time effectively and so that they can decide and recognize when it’s time to cut someone off.

If you want to be a good moderator, here are a few things that will help you:

  • Research each of the presenters and learn about what the audience expects to get out of the discussion before the day of the panel discussion. For example, if you are working with certain college guest speakers, it’s important you understand what they specialize in. After you research each of the prospective panelists, make sure you don’t pair people together if they have a history of negativity between them. That can cause problems. It would also help to speak to the panelists in advance. If you talk to them before the discussion, it can help you better guide the conversation and cover all appropriate points.
  • Make sure you talk to each of the panelists and explain how the contest will go. Make sure they know that each of them know they must make a brief comment, and then the rest of the discussion time will be spent in a question and answer time. Then, it is your job to keep an eye on the clock. If a panelists starts giving an answer that is a little too long, look for an appropriate time that you can cut them off without being rude.
  • Make sure you have a good plan for the question and answer session. It will be important for the audience to have good interactions with your panelists, but you have to stay in control. You have the responsibility to call upon the appropriate panel members to address specific topics or questions. Make sure the panelists know that they should only answer questions in their subject area. They shouldn’t answer those they’re not knowledgeable about.
  • You need to keep the conversation flowing between the speakers and the audience. Pay close attention and pick out the right points to make remarks that will lead to transitions. Don’t let one panelist dominate. Make sure you rotate between panelists to allow each person to have a chance comment. Choose the panelist that has the most expertise you’re your panel to answer the questions asked.

Make sure you keep firm control over the proceedings. It’s your job to make sure the panelists and the audience gets the most out of the discussion as possible. If you follow these guidelines, it will help you reach that goal.

Speaking In Public

After you have moderated a few panels, then you should consider speaking in front of a group of people. We know this can be challenging for some students, especially those who get nervous. Being confident and learning how to push through adversity is going to be very important. This is why we Here are some tips that will help you prepare:

  1. Practice Your Speech

The first thing you need to do is practice your speech. According to Motivation Ping, you should practice your speech so much that you are saying it in your sleep. However, don’t memorize it and think you are Mr Bigshot, because the moment you get on that stage, you are going to forget something. Be confident in yourself while you are practicing your speech, but don’t be cocky!

  1. Make Yourself Notes

Another thing you should do is make yourself some notes to take with you to the speech. That way if your mind does go blank at some point, you will have your notes right there to keep you on track. When you prepare your notes, it is best to use index cards, that way you can easily go to the next one when you are done with the one before and you won’t lose track. If you have to write your notes on a notebook, then separate your points with a few line spaces. You can also use a few different color highlighters and highlight the paragraphs or notes. This will also help you stay on track and not lose your place. Once you have covered one section of notes, use your ink pen to put an “X” through it so you will know that you have already touched on that note.

  1. Get Yourself Nice and Relaxed

Next, make sure you are nice and relaxed before you public speaking event. This can be done by taking deep breaths, having a massage before the event, taking a Yoga class before the event, or any other technique you can use to calm yourself down and relax yourself.

  1. Make Eye Contact with Different Ones

People have always said, if you are nervous about getting in front of a lot of people, picture them naked. Hey, if that works for you, knock yourself out. For me, I could never make that happen. So, eye contact was much better for me. Most of the ones that I spoke in front of wanted to hear me and were interested in what I had to say. Therefore, looking in their eyes and seeing how interested they were helped me a lot while I was speaking. So, you should try this as well.

Selling Your Orland House, Yourself versus Paying a Realtor

Almost every central Florida homeowner considers the possibility that they could go it alone and sell their own home, in order to save on real estate commissions. Selling a house Orlando without professional help is often a quick path to significant savings, because paying commissions to real estate agents is expensive. The thing to determine, however, is whether or not that expense is justified and whether or not it pays for itself in terms of convenience or higher sales price. Good arguments can be made for both choices you using a real estate agent or just going it on your own you but the important thing to do if you are making this kind of decision is to explore your options beforehand. Once you know the facts, you can take an informed and educated plan of action to sell my house fast Orlando.

For Sale by Owner is a do-it-yourself project that certainly can save you a serious chunk of change. The broker commissions on real estate sales vary from one jurisdiction to another but are generally in the 5-7 percent range. Hire a pro to help you sell a home for $225,000, which is close to the median price of a home in the USA right now and chances are you will pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $12,000.

In addition, if you are planning to sell yourself, the biggest advantage you’ll have compared to 10 or 15 years ago is that you can now participate in the official Realtor property database or Multiple Listing Service (better known as the MLS). For a set fee, you can upload a detailed advertisement along with photos of your property to the MLS and gain immediate computerized access to potential buyers, to let them know that your property is on the market. With that kind of exposure, you may not have to spend any other money on advertising.


You will have to go through a licensed Realtor in order to list your property in the MLS, and pay fees associated with the service. But if you are selling a house, the MLS is worth every penny. Step it up a notch by using an upgraded arrangement such as a discount broker, and you can get additional benefits and services. For example, you can sell your own home but still hire a so-called discount broker to help with the nitty-gritty details of the transaction. Real estate agents who hire-out for part time work will offer you a menu choice of various professional services, for things such as making appointments, conducting tours of your home, and writing legal contracts for purchase offers. You do part of it yourself and pay a pro to do the rest.

In Conclusion Selling Your Orland House Yourself versus Paying a Realtor

One thing that many people forget is that if they set out to sell their home by themselves and it doesn’t work out the way they planned, they can also exercise their option to hire someone else to do it for them. So not matter what you decide to do, it does not hurt to first experiment and find out firsthand what you are comfortable with and capable of doing or if you will end up just contacting a we buy houses Orlando company to get rid of it for you. The choice is yours!

How to Be Super Productive in Your Home Office?

Are you finding it too distracting to work at your home office? You are not alone. While there are many benefits to working from home, there are also drawbacks that can bring down your productivity.

Striking a perfect work-life balance is crucial if you want to maximize your productivity at your home office. Here are a few things you can do:

Fine tune your office for productivity

According to Ambient floors, a massive office with durable bamboo flooring might seem tempting; but it may not be feasible to design such an office within your home. However, you can always find a quiet corner in your home that is away from the trafficked areas. Make sure it has a window. You can put a few plants or install a fountain outside that window to give yourself something peaceful and non-distracting to look at. If possible, paint your home office with a soothing color. Make sure you have enough space to keep everything that you might need at your home office.

Enjoy brain-breaks once in a while

Working continuously is not possible, whether you are at work or your home office.  Once in a while you will need a brain-break. So keep a book or your favorite musical instrument close by. Make sure you tuck it out of sight so that you are not constantly tempted. You could even install a game app on your phone. A word of caution here – don’t prolong your break. Keep it as short as possible.

Use comfortable furniture

There is not much you can do if you are constantly rubbing your aching back or straining your eyes to see the computer screen. So invest in a good ergonomic office chair and one of those home office glass desks to make yourself comfortable while sitting. You can get those adjustable-height desks that can serve as standing desks when you feel uncomfortable sitting too long. Make sure the place is well lit up. Don’t forget to get an anti-glare screen for your computer.

Bring on board some light exercise equipment

Exercising at regular intervals might keep stress away from work and keep you reenergized throughout the day. You can pick up a few light weights, resistance bands, or even a small step machine or treadmill that can help you shift gears while taking your short breaks. This will take care of your posture too.

Declutter Ruthlessly and Often

Most people who work from home end up collecting a lot of things in their home offices. Don’t hesitate to purge your home office every now and then. Remove half-read books, paper piles, knickknacks, coffee cups, and whatever else that might be taking up unnecessary space. This is definitely not a storage space. With the junk removed, you will have a clear, focused mind to start work.

Another important tip to increase your productivity at home office is to maintain a proper schedule. Make a list of tasks to be completed every day and make sure you cross off the items on the list by the end of the day. Keep away from distractions and focus on improving your productivity.

6 Tips to Run a Successful Convenience Store

If your convenience store is not doing as well as you imagined it to do, then following the below tips will help you succeed in running a successful store.

Stock the Aisle Smartly:

Where you organize what product matters because you do not want the customers to get frustrated searching for things in your store hence do not change the layouts often as your repeated customers may find it annoying. Stock essential daily use items in the end as people tend to walk through the aisle to reach those and realize that they need more items which will only increase your sale but keep quickly needed items such as chocolates and magazines in the front of the store for customers convenience.

Avoid Being Out-of-Stock:

Make sure to plan your inventory carefully so that the customers do not return empty-handed. Keep a note of things that needs to be re-stocked every day, so you never run out of items to sell. Also, keep a note of things that do not sell so you do not order extra items unnecessarily.

Focus on Product Quality:

With a convenience store, you need to build people’s trust in the locality hence focus on providing good quality products and always throw away expired products so that the customers do not pick up spoilt items.

Consider the Community:

As your store is in a particular locality hence your store should focus on the requirements of that community rather than stocking generic products. It will take you some time to understand the customer demands but once you have an idea, plan your inventory based on what sells best in your locality and order less of items that are rarely sold.

Decorate Your Store Well:

Human beings are sensory oriented people; hence it is essential to maintain good store aesthetics in order to attract more customers to it. Keep the store clean and plan the shop signboards such that it is very clear and also looks appealing. Do not make your store congested, instead leave a lot of free space in the aisle so that the store looks big and organized.

Provide Quick Check-Out:

Your customers are visiting a convenience store and not a supermarket because they do not wish to wait in long queues, hence make the check-out process as quick as possible. Hire an extra staff for a quick checkout counter to handle customers who need to bill less than five products. The latest addition which can really increase your business and make your store the talk of the town is adding a custom vending machine based on your business requirement so that your customers can directly use the vending machine to buy the product instead of entering the store and searching for it.

The Bottom Line- Make it Truly Convenient:

Remember that the main purpose of the store is to make things convenient for the customers, hence focus on making their lives easy by organizing things for easy access, fast service and ease to return damaged products. Once you take care of these basic expectations, your store will become the busiest in your neighborhood

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