From the Italian island of Capri, the typical cake becomes the “Panettone Caprese” by chef Alberto Federico Panettone is one of the typical Italian Christmas desserts, Panettoni and tasty novelties for Christmas 2022 in Italy, among the many leavened desserts filled with tasty creams, do-it-yourself pandoro and many gourmet novelties for the end-of-year celebrations, the
“Caprese Panettone” produced by the historic pastry shop da Alberto in the famous Capri island.
And it is precisely Alberto Federico, together with his wife Stefania, who presents us with this delicious novelty, not from the tables of their famous bar da Alberto in the Piazzetta, but in front of the sea of Marina Piccola in the shadow of the Faraglioni.
Panettone Caprese looks like a cake, the beautiful ones, full of chocolate! A delicious mix of aromas, those of the artisanal panettone, produced with very slow rising sourdough, and then the aromas of the Torta Caprese, a riot of almonds, butter and dark chocolate. The eyes are pleasantly surprised when you open it and discover the heart of Torta Caprese perfectly blended with the leavened product.
Caprese Panettone , like all the artisanal production of Bar da Alberto, is a veritable mine of nuances of flavours, starting, as always, from the choice of raw materials, elaborated in a new philosophy of leavening.
The Alberto Capri bar is famous throughout the world above all for its typical pastry, inevitably linked to the history of the Torta Caprese, the one made of simplicity and inventiveness, which starts from the blue island and spreads throughout the earth: the myth of the Caprese , a cult of the international gastronomic tradition.
Today this cake is known all over the world and is more than 100 years old. The Alberto di Capri bar wants to celebrate the myth of the Torta Caprese with this tasty Panettone and to pay homage to the gastronomic culture of the island of Capri. From today it can also be purchased online at the website: baralbertocapri.com/shop