Is CBD oil legal in the United States?

CBD oil is legal in most parts of the United States except in the states of Idaho, Nebraska, Kansas, and South Dakota. In fact in about 10 states of USA, CBD oil can be purchased at any dispensary. These states include Alaska, Colorado, California, Maine, Michigan, Massachusetts, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and Vermont. These 10 states have legalized even recreational marijuana apart from medical marijuana.

Only medical marijuana is legal in 23 other states including Arizona, Connecticut, Arkansansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, Montana, New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Utah, and Rhode Island. Some of these states including Connecticut, Delaware, and New Hampshire have taken steps to decriminalize the drug, making it legal to carry small amounts of marijuana as long as it doesn’t exceed the prescribed maximum limit.

In any of the 23 above-mentioned states, you will need a medical marijuana card if you want to buy medical marijuana from any of the dispensaries. To get this card, you might have to consult your doctor and find out if you have an ailment that qualifies you for medical marijuana use as per the state law.

The legality of CBD and all other forms of marijuana has been established in 10 states. 23 states have legalized medical marijuana. Any form of marijuana is illegal in the 4 states of Idaho, Nebraska, Kansas, and South Dakota. That leaves us with 13 states including Alabama, Indiana, Georgia, Iowa, Mississippi, Kentucky, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Virginia.

The laws with regard to the use of medical cannabidiol vary widely in these 13 states. A user has to get approval to use CBD depending upon his medical condition and its severity. For instance, in Alabama, you can get access to legal CBD under two conditions:

  • You should be a part of the state-sponsored clinical trial
  • You should be undergoing treatment for a debilitating medical condition

In Georgia CBD oil is legally prescribed to patients with medical conditions such as cancer, Parkinson’s disease, seizure disorders, and multiple sclerosis. Manufacturing, selling, possessing and using CBD oil has been legalized in Indiana as long as the THC content is less than 0.3 percent.

In Iowa limited amounts of CBD oil are prescribed for patients with medical conditions such as HIV/AIDS, ALS, seizure disorder, and cancer.

Kentucky allows cultivation of hemp as it contains less than 0.3 percent THC. CBD oil is legalized in Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Wyoming, and Tennessee and is prescribed for patients with severe epilepsy. However the THC content cannot be more than 0.3 percent. Patients with any medical condition can be prescribed CBD in Virginia and Wisconsin by a licensed doctor or practitioner, if it helps in the treatment.

According to, almost all states of USA have started recognizing the health benefits of CBD oil. Some have legalized its use while others are on the way. It won’t be too long for CBD to be completely legalized with more and more awareness of its benefits being created.

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