5 Ways that CBD could be Helpful to Students

Schools normally strive to provide a conducive learning environment for students, however, learning is not always easy for some learners. This is because students have to face issues such as parental expectations, exams, fear of the future, and social pressure. This is why many parents today are giving their school-going children CBD oil to help boost their academics in different ways. CBD hemp oil consists of non-psychoactive substances that work in different ways to enhance academic performance. Below are ways that students can benefit from using CBD.

Help students to focus 

In the traditional school setup, students are required to sit still in class for several hours every day. However, it is unnatural for students to hold their attention continuously for an extended period. This is because there are so many distractions around them and some learners may have conditions that can negatively affect their attention span, for example, ADHD. To enhance attention span, cannabidiol can be used to help boost their focus and help them concentrate for longer periods.

Improves sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial for good mental health. By getting adequate sleep the body is able to refocus for the new day ahead. It is without a doubt that sleep is just as important as water and food is for human survival. However, many students do not get enough sleep because they have to juggle between class, assignments, extracurricular activities, and even working to earn a living. Inadequate quality and amounts of sleep can interfere with the learning ability and academic functioning of students. If a learner is having trouble sleeping, then CBD oil can help alleviate this problem.

Enhances physical recovery

Most students take part in different extracurricular activities that help them maintain good mental and physical health. However, while engaging in these activities, students normally get minor injuries, bruises and cuts .Since CBD oil can help to soothe and alleviate the physical pain, this enables the student to continue with their daily routine without experiencing unnecessary interruptions. By eliminating these pains and aches, students can focus on their academic work.

Boosts Confidence

Students have varying degrees of self-confidence because no one is confident about everything. This is usually the total value that a learner places in his/her abilities or how they perceive themselves. Pupils with high self-confidence will have no fear of the unknown and they will handle every situation with an “I can do it” mentality. Those with low self-confidence will fear being embarrassed and will pull back from situations where they feel that things are not going well. CBD Oil is a natural health option that can help to restore confidence and help students handle their school activities with ease.

Enhances productivity

Cannabidiol is not a magic product that works wonders overnight to enhance the productivity of students. However, it can play a major role in the outcome of a learner’s day because of the relief that it offers in other areas of life that enhances productivity. CBD improves sleep and this increases the ability of a student to concentrate, focus, and make good decisions. Lack of sleep is known to cause increased irritability and negatively affect memory. CBD can also eliminate nervousness that affects productivity by causing overthinking about social interactions and school work. This makes students focus on other things instead of accomplishing what they would wish to achieve. CBD is a natural substance that can be used to eliminate the many barriers to productivity among students.

From the issues outlined above, it is clear that CBD holds the potential of helping students deal with most of the issues they face in their daily life. However, most students are still hesitant to use CBD. In addition, many guardians are not comfortable with introducing CBD to those under their care. What these students and guardians do not know is that cannabidiol is safe to use and does not necessarily lead to psychological or physical dependency.

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Don’t Let PTSD Trap You Home!!!

Traveling can be much more difficult if you have PTSD as unfamiliar places can increase your anxiety but that is no reason why you should completely give up on traveling. Traveling to unknown places which are crowded, noisy or other unpredictable scenario can make any PTSD patient uncomfortable even if they are undergoing some sort of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment like therapy or medication.

You just need to do a detailed planning for the next trip you wish to take, and we will help you with the steps;

Know What Triggers Your PTSD:

First, you need to understand what triggers you to plan the trip step by step avoiding those stressors. Worry about every detail of the travel.

Take a Short Trip:

If this is the first time you are traveling, do not plan a far-away destination. Being not very far from home can calm down your nerves and train you for more trips in the future.

Plan for Emergencies well Ahead:

Travel can be unpredictable and how much ever detailed planning you do, sometimes few situations which may stress you might be unavoidable. Make sure you have a plan made well ahead for such a situation. Keep your therapist’s contact as your emergency number and inform him/her well ahead of your travel plans so that they will be available to pick up your emergency call. Keep your medications handy and also search for a support group in the travel location well ahead of travel.

Travel During Off-Peak Season:

If you can plan to travel in off-peak season, you will find relatively less crowd in the location, the airport and the flight which can make you more comfortable and give you privacy.

Inform the Airport Staff About Your Condition:

If traveling in the U.S., you can declare your condition to airport staff, and they will let you board the plane early and also you are qualified to carry your support animal on the flight. Do some research on these grounds before you book a flight.

Take a Guided Tour: 

Taking a guided tour can make your entire travel structured and less stressful. You can opt for a hop-on-hop-off bus to take you around the city.

Do Not Overexert:

Traveling non-stop can stress you out giving rise to PTSD symptoms. Instead, plan your travel such that you get a lot of rest. Take a day off in between just to rest at the hotel and rejuvenate.

Review Routes and Hotel:

Nowadays you get all the information online. It is better to check out images of the hotel room you are staying and the overall layout, this will make you prepared and comfortable when you arrive at the hotel. Also, download the map of the location you are visiting to know the routes well ahead of your travel.

Use Sound Blocking Headphones:

When traveling in crowded areas, use your sound blocking headphones, it will help block all the busy noises and help prevent a PTSD episode.

Carry Item that Comforts You:

Bring small items which comfort you and makes you feel homelike if you feel panicked or anxious. You can also bring pictures of family members to bring you back in a happy place.

We understand that PTSD is a condition which can make traveling not so easy for you but planning well ahead and being organized about what you would need can help you when you travel. If you are determined to have a great time and renew your spirits, then what are you waiting for? Just hop on a plane after you plan in detail your next vacation to relax and rejuvenate.

How to Determine Your Body Shape

I like people watching.  Everyone is so different.  But no matter what size they are, people generally have one of the four body shapes:  ruler, hourglass, pear, or cone.  Your body shape is pre-determined genetically and does not change whether you are taller, skinner, or fatter.

Your body shape depends on how your weight is distributed on your frame. You can be overweight and still considered a ruler.  In my early 20s, I mistakenly believe that my body shape is a pear.  I figured that since the bottom half of me is heavier than the top, I must be a pear since I was too big to be a ruler (little did I know that 10 years later I would roll my eyes at that comment while I sit here writing.  Such naiveté is only cute on the young.).

The 4 body shapes and where the weight is distributed

One body shape is not better than the other.  Your body shape only determines where your body distributes your weight.  Your body shape is like the color of your eyes; it is determined by the genetic lottery pool in your genes.  Sure some people might have a preference for blue eyes, but it does not mean there is something wrong if you happen to have hazel or brown eyes.  You just need to make the best of what you are born with.


  • Little to no difference in the measurements between your chest, waist, and hips
  • Tend to store excess weight in your midsection
  • Very few curves


  • Significant difference in the measurements between your chest and waist (and hips and waist)
  • Tend to store excess weight in your upper and lower body, but more slender at the waist
  • Curvy


  • Significant difference in the measurements between your waist and hips (with the measurement on your hips considerably larger).
  • Tend to store excess weight in your hips, thighs, and butt
  • Eyes tend to zero in on the lower half of your body when looking in the mirror


  • Significant difference in the measurements between your chest and waist (with the measurement on your chest considerably larger).
  • Tend to store excess weight in your back, chest, arms, and stomach
  • Eyes tend to zero in on the upper half of your body when looking in the mirror

Using your measurements to determine your body shape

It is more difficult to determine your body shape when you are overweight.  If you are anything like me, you probably only see your trouble spots.  Many women tend to think they are pears because they naturally have curves in the lower half of their bodies or are focused on the size of their thighs when they are overweight.  Your body shape is not determined by your size or your weight.  It is determined by how your weight is distributed throughout your body.  You can be small breasted and still be considered a cone.  It is the circumference around your chest that counts, not your cup size.

The three measurements you need to take are the circumference around your chest, waist, and hip:

Chest: Place the tape across the middle of your breast or chest and around your back.  Exhale before taking your measurement

Waist: Place the tape around your waist, 1-inch above your belly button

Hips: Place the tape at the widest spot below your hips but still above your butt

Compare your measurements to the guidelines below to find your body shape (remember it is the proportion that determines your body shape, not the numbers itself):


  • All three measurements tend to be relatively close with no significant differences between your chest, waist, and hips
  • Common measurements: 34-30-35, 36-33-37, or 40-36-42 (notice how there is less than a 5-inch difference between any of the measurements)


  • The measurements between the chest and hips are relatively close
  • There is at least a 6-inch difference between your chest /hips and waist.
  • Common measurements:  33-26-33, 36-30,38, 34-28-35, 39-32-38, or 42-35-44 (notice how there is less than 3-inch difference between the chest and hips)


  • The measurements between the chest and waist are relatively close
  • There is at least a 6-inch difference between your waist and hips
  • Common measurements:  34-30-38, 36-30-44, or 32-28-39


  • The measurements between the waist and hips are relatively close
  • There is at least a 6-inch difference between your chest and hips
  • Common measurements:  36-32-30, 40-36-33, or 34-30-29

Final Thoughts on Determining Your Body Shape

I used to believe that I am a pear when in reality I am a ruler.  No matter how hard I work my abs, I cannot get that hourglass nip at the waist like my sister.  I need to work with my body shape instead of fighting it.  I can work on my upper body muscles to make my waist look smaller.

Your body shape only defines how the weight is distributed on your body.  You can be overweight and still considered a ruler.  I know when you think of ruler, the automatic image is a thin person.  If you look closely at the measurement guidelines above, an overweight person can be a ruler; their measurements are just proportionally bigger.  How is this information going to help your weight loss goals?  The first step to identifying weight loss exercises for your body is to find your body shape.

If you want to find out more information about dressing for your body shape, you might want to read The Pocket Stylist. Please note that the book offers a good discussion about body shape and dressing, but does not offer as much photos as I would have liked.

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