Top 7 Health Benefits of Mushrooms

White foods are usually considered as nutrient-poor. However, mushrooms are an exception. They are rich in many minerals such as potassium, selenium, copper, phosphorus, and iron that are often unavailable in most plant-derived foods.

Here is why you should be including mushrooms in your daily diet:

Mushrooms Help in Keeping You Young

The two antioxidants namely glutathione and ergothioneine are present in super-high concentration in mushrooms. Both these antioxidants work really hard to minimize the effects of physiological stress on your body. As a result you see lesser visible signs of aging such as wrinkles.

Mushrooms Protect Your Brain

You can reduce your risk of neurological illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s by eating at least five button mushrooms every day. The antioxidants present in them can successfully prevent the symptoms associated with these illnesses. Nevertheless, make it a point to cook them to the best so that their nutritional benefits can be preserved.

Mushrooms Help in Boosting Memory

One other benefit of eating mushrooms is reduction of cognitive decline. Nevertheless, you will have to consume at least two servings of cooked mushrooms every week to keep your memory intact.

Mushrooms Improve Heart Health

The glutamate ribonucleotides in mushrooms add a more umami and savory taste to your foods than salt, without any ramifications for heart disease or blood pressure risks. There is only about 5 mg of sodium in a full cup of mushrooms. Also, they are an excellent alternative to red meat, without adding to your fat, cholesterol or calories.

Mushrooms Help in Strengthening Bones

If you can find UVB-labeled mushrooms at the supermarket near you, make sure you grab a package. Compared to the other varieties these mushrooms are exposed to sunlight at the time of growth and hence are rich in ergosterol. This means you can get your daily Vitamin D requirement fulfilled by consuming only three ounces of UVB-labelled mushrooms.

Mushrooms are Energy Boosters

A lot of B vitamins such as riboflavin, folate, thiamine, niacin, and pantothenic are present in high concentration in mushrooms. These vitamins help in drawing energy from the food that you consume and increase the production of red blood cells that distribute oxygen in your body.

Mushrooms can help in Weight Loss

Consumption of mushrooms in combination with some healthy lifestyle changes can be very beneficial for weight loss. It is effective in reducing belly fat and improving BMI. Being antioxidant-rich, mushrooms also reduce the chances of metabolic disorders.

You can find a variety of mushrooms in the market including reishi mushroom. However, make sure you buy mushrooms that are safe for consumption. Try not to eat mushrooms from the wild. Check the label before purchasing.

Mushrooms can add a great texture and flavor to almost any side dish that you prepare. You can just cut them up and mix or blend them along with the other ingredients while cooking your meal. There are a lot of mushroom recipes that you can find online. Try a few and see what works best for you.