6 Must Have Kids Toys to Accelerate Your Toddlers Development

Are you looking to buy appropriate kids toys for your toddler to increase the child’s mental and physical development? Below is a list of toys that will work best to improve your child development.

1.  Shape Sorter:

This is one of the best toys you can gift your toddler as it tremendously helps in their development. Do not buy a complicated shape sorter, get one that has a few shapes that need to be fitted in the right place. This helps in developing other cognitive and motor skills. Also, check if the pieces are non-hazardous and do not have sharp edges as toddlers tend to chew on their toys.

2.  Building Blocks:

Building blocks is a traditional game that every kid should possess as it helps in developing their multiple skills including motor, cognitive, language, and social skills. You can communicate with your toddler about the game and discuss their creations. Blocks also help to increase their hand strength. Wait for your kids to be at least one and a half years old before you get them blocks so that they have some idea about how to play with it.

3.  Picture Story Books:

As your kids start learning how to speak, it is good to buy them a few picture storybooks. The child my not yet be able to read what is written but the pictures will keep them interested in the story and will encourage them to discuss it with you more, improving their communication skills. As the child learns to read, they will also try reading the book by themselves hence it will be useful for a few years at least.

4.  Puzzles:

Puzzles are one of the best toys you can gift to your child as they love playing with it again and again and it increases their concentration and memory. Initially get simple puzzles that have 4-6 pieces for your toddler to play with. As your kid grows, you can buy more complicated puzzles which will keep them engaged for hours.

5.  Triangle-Shaped Crayons:

Coloring is a great way for kids to start practicing control over their hands. Triangle-shaped crayons will help toddlers to practice good grasp using their fingers and they will learn to color inside lines. It also opens up a new world for kids as they can project their imagination into their drawings, and this increases their creativity. Many kids who are not verbally expressive use their drawings as the medium of conveying what they feel. It is useful for parents to understand the kid’s development.

6.  Sock Puppets:

Puppets can make a great playmate for kids which will help them speak more and improve their vocabulary. Kids also learn to make different facial expressions while playing with puppets hence it helps them feel different emotions. Also, puppets can be used to teach kids rhymes and read stories to them promoting their language along with developing their imagination.

Whenever you choose a toy for your toddler, read the safety instructions and age limit to make sure that it is appropriate for your toddler and also invest in toys that your kid can play with at least the next two years.