Don’t Let PTSD Trap You Home!!!

Traveling can be much more difficult if you have PTSD as unfamiliar places can increase your anxiety but that is no reason why you should completely give up on traveling. Traveling to unknown places which are crowded, noisy or other unpredictable scenario can make any PTSD patient uncomfortable even if they are undergoing some sort of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment like therapy or medication.

You just need to do a detailed planning for the next trip you wish to take, and we will help you with the steps;

Know What Triggers Your PTSD:

First, you need to understand what triggers you to plan the trip step by step avoiding those stressors. Worry about every detail of the travel.

Take a Short Trip:

If this is the first time you are traveling, do not plan a far-away destination. Being not very far from home can calm down your nerves and train you for more trips in the future.

Plan for Emergencies well Ahead:

Travel can be unpredictable and how much ever detailed planning you do, sometimes few situations which may stress you might be unavoidable. Make sure you have a plan made well ahead for such a situation. Keep your therapist’s contact as your emergency number and inform him/her well ahead of your travel plans so that they will be available to pick up your emergency call. Keep your medications handy and also search for a support group in the travel location well ahead of travel.

Travel During Off-Peak Season:

If you can plan to travel in off-peak season, you will find relatively less crowd in the location, the airport and the flight which can make you more comfortable and give you privacy.

Inform the Airport Staff About Your Condition:

If traveling in the U.S., you can declare your condition to airport staff, and they will let you board the plane early and also you are qualified to carry your support animal on the flight. Do some research on these grounds before you book a flight.

Take a Guided Tour: 

Taking a guided tour can make your entire travel structured and less stressful. You can opt for a hop-on-hop-off bus to take you around the city.

Do Not Overexert:

Traveling non-stop can stress you out giving rise to PTSD symptoms. Instead, plan your travel such that you get a lot of rest. Take a day off in between just to rest at the hotel and rejuvenate.

Review Routes and Hotel:

Nowadays you get all the information online. It is better to check out images of the hotel room you are staying and the overall layout, this will make you prepared and comfortable when you arrive at the hotel. Also, download the map of the location you are visiting to know the routes well ahead of your travel.

Use Sound Blocking Headphones:

When traveling in crowded areas, use your sound blocking headphones, it will help block all the busy noises and help prevent a PTSD episode.

Carry Item that Comforts You:

Bring small items which comfort you and makes you feel homelike if you feel panicked or anxious. You can also bring pictures of family members to bring you back in a happy place.

We understand that PTSD is a condition which can make traveling not so easy for you but planning well ahead and being organized about what you would need can help you when you travel. If you are determined to have a great time and renew your spirits, then what are you waiting for? Just hop on a plane after you plan in detail your next vacation to relax and rejuvenate.

Can A Disability Lawyer Help You Qualify For SSDI And SSI Disability Benefits?

Many of the people that qualify for an SSI payment will also receive a smaller amount of their Social Security Disability and benefits as well. When you apply for both benefits it’s called a concurrent claim and a good disability advocate or lawyer, such as the Raleigh NC firm Disability Advocates Group, can help you here.

In specific circumstances, it is entirely possible to collect both SSI and the SSDI benefits concurrently. This is what happens when the applicant is approved for their disability or SSDI and is only receiving a smaller amount of money. Typically, when someone is receiving a low amount of money it’s because they didn’t work too long or didn’t work in the most recent years.

Qualifying For SSI With an Advocates Help

In order to qualify for SSI payment as well as SSDI payments, the unearned income or the SSDI must be lower than $750 on a monthly basis. The SSI income limits are quite complicated, however, their limit is typically higher in most states and if you’re still able to work and earn some money, that income won’t count toward the limit that is allotted. However, there are specific limits that are set and specific guidelines that are followed when calculating the overall amounts.

If the assets and the income are low enough to allow you to qualify for Supplemental Security, and if you worked long enough that you will qualify for your Social Security Disability, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll receive both of the payouts at one time. It’s important to keep in mind that the SSDI payment will be included in the calculation of the eligibility for your SSI. Often, your SSDI payment is so high that you’re not going to qualify for the SSI benefit.

Monthly Payment For Concurrent SSI Benefits and SSDI Benefits

The current payment allotment for SSI is $750. If you’re receiving an SSDI benefit that is lower than this and you are qualified for your SSI, you’ll also receive an SSI payment. That means if you qualify, you’ll be receiving both payments on a monthly basis. If you’re receiving SSDI at $500, you’ll then receive $350 from the SSI payment to total the limited amount.

If you’ve received approval for your SSDI, however, you’re still within the five-month wait period, you’re not going to get an SSDI payment, however, you may still get the SSI payments if you haven’t any countable income. When the SSDI payments begin, the waiting period is over and you’re not going to receive any type of higher amount of combined benefits. In fact, the SSI payment will be taken down a notch by the amount of your SSDI payment so that you can reach the maximum allowed payment of $750.

How You Apply For Concurrent Benefits Via Your Attorney

Regardless of whether you’ve applied for an SSI or an SSDI, the Social Security Office is going to determine whether or not the claims are concurrent. This will be dependent on the income and assets that are shown on your application. Your disability claim won’t make any difference in the processing of the claim or the Disability determination services that are set forth by the industry standards. The definition of disability and the evaluation process are the same in both of the programs.

The Benefits Of A Concurrent Claim

The main benefit to a concurrent claim is that it can raise the level to a benefit of $750 per month in lieu of a lesser amount.

The benefit of being able to collect both SSDI and SSI is that you may also be eligible to use Medicare as you’re also an SSDI recipient, however, there is a two year wait period from the time that the SSDI benefits and eligibility begin.

By contrast, SSI recipients are also eligible for Medicaid. While the Medicaid provides payment for more of the services than Medicare does, there are some doctors who only accept Medicare so it’s easier to find the providers. There is more information available on this in the article that discusses Medicare and Medicaid on disability. So remember, if you do need help, be sure to reach out to the experts at Disability Advocates Group at (919) 815-4889. They did great by me so I know they’ll be able to help you.

Companies Seeking Best Practices for their Channel management Programs are Changing How They Evaluate New Channel Partner Managers

Channel VPs and directors at large technology companies are re-ordering an expanded list of qualifications they’re seeking in new channel account managers (CAM).

Analysis of a poll by the Channel Institute of more than 400 channel execs revealed that job applicants need more than the usual set of related business skills and relationship building capabilities. What especially surprised us was how much channel execs expect new hires to really want a career as a channel professional.

And in what we see as an acknowledgement of disruption in the overall technology industry as well as channel organizations, channel leaders are seeking new hires that have the flexibility to innovative responses to shifting business requirements.

The Channel Institute polled more than 400 Channel VP’s and Directors at large technology companies to learn what they look for when hiring new Channel Account Managers. There were some surprising results! Although most responses fell into standard categories, there were two unusual standouts in the top 5.

The two surprising entries were “Innovation & Creativity” and “Commitment to the channel”. These were accompanied by the more commonly expected factors of “Business Acumen”, “Relationship Building” and “Flexible Delivery”.

Innovation and Creativity.

This is not something that was highlighted in previous research by third parties, but innovation and creativity is a skill that appears to have jumped up the rankings. Heads of Channel want to know that new team members can think on their feet and bring new insights that can be shared across the entire channel team. This was mentioned as being particularly important for channel teams working with partners that are still trying to adapt their business to cloud-based models.

Commitment to the Channel.

The second most frequently reported response was that candidates take the channel profession seriously, and do not merely consider it “another type of sales job”. This category covers topics such as a clear knowledge of channel management and channel best practices, along with excellent skills in partner business planning. Channel leaders are clearly raising the bar on the profession, recognizing that the subtleties associated with channel program management requires skills that can only be acquired through a combination of formal channel training and experience in best practices, as opposed to the more ad-hoc learning approaches of the past.

Job candidates could set themselves apart from the crowd through Continuous Professional Development (CPD) with a business qualification specifically in channel partner program management or channel marketing. This was particularly important for those companies hiring candidates that are relatively new to the channel profession.

Business Acumen.

The runaway number one sought after skill falls into the general category of “business acumen”. This covered responses such as understanding of best practices and new business drivers (AI, Business Transformation, Digital Co-Marketing, Social Selling, etc.) and how these will impact on channel partner profitability. New CAM’s need to quickly grasp the consequences for channel partners of increasingly shifting towards service delivery with recurring revenue model programs and the impact of this on a business and its profitability.

Relationship Skills.

Communication skills, empathy and the ability to develop relationships and trust are obvious skills that any successful Partner Account Manager must possess. These skills were identified as being a basic requirement in channel partner sales training and not something that would make a candidate stand out from the crowd.

Flexible Delivery.

Finally, many respondents highlighted that Channel Partner Managers operate in a world that is affected by many stakeholders, and many factors are entirely outside of their control. The ability to maintain focus on a channel partner program in the face of turbulence, managing unpredictability and still deliver sales results according to best practices was identified as a key requirement.

The top 5 factors listed in order of priority are:

  1. Business Acumen.
  2. Channel knowledge and commitment.
  3. Innovation and creativity.
  4. Relationship building.
  5. Flexible delivery.

Key Learnings:

According to Mike Kelly, Director at the Channel Institute, “There are five key takeaways from this research to help channel professionals progress their career:

  1. Emphasize your business training and acumen.
  2. Channel-specific CPD and channel-business certification is essential to prove your commitment to the channel profession.
  3. Demonstrate “outside-the-box” thinking.
  4. Prove your communication and empathy skills.
  5. Convince employers that you can deliver in the face of unforeseen disruptions to channel partner programs.”

Air Conditioners Need Some Love Too!

In a hot climate, we often need a little helping hand to enjoy a comfortable environment inside our homes and workplaces. Air conditioners are marvelous appliances that make living a heck of a lot easier whilst indoors. We often take these work horses for granted and sometimes they decide to pack up as a result. Repairs to air conditioners can be pretty steep, especially when spare parts and labour stack up. However, there are some do-it-yourself actions that you can engage in that will minimise the chances of the inevitable breakdown. This article offers a few insights on how to keep that dreaded heat at bay without breaking the bank.

Cleaning Time

Turn off the power before performing any routine maintenance on your air conditioner and then follow these steps:

  • See if the copper pipe that connects the unit to the house is hot, if so, you need to clean the coils.
  • Remove the cover from the unit and look for the coils- they are similar to a car radiator.
  • Cover the motor and any electrical items with a strong plastic cover.
  • Use a hosepipe to clean the coils and fins nicely.
  • Replace the cover and check that everything is in good working order.

Check Functionality

If the air conditioner usually runs in automatic mode, you can sometimes lose other functions and these are only picked up when you change the settings. Follow these steps to undertake a sound functionality check-up:

  • Turn on the unit and check that the machine runs smoothly.
  • Listen for any weird noises or vibrations, a squealing can indicate a slipping belt issue.
  • Check that the temperature display is accurate, and this can be done by using a portable thermometer in each room.
  • Look out for any leaks that are apparent, check the floor directly below the unit as well.

If any issues are uncovered when you perform these checks, you should call out the professional to repair your HVAC. These problems can usually be fixed cheaply enough, but if they are left alone, the problem will soon escalate into something expensive.

How To Fix Pooling Water Problems

If you have pooling water issues you can soon be looking at an expensive fix and will need to replace quite a few parts if they are damaged due to the water. Follow this mini guide for some quick fixes:

  • Have a look at the pipes that are near the pooling water and see if there are any visible cracks or not. If you locate any damaged pipes/tubes, you need to replace these straight away before the problem escalates.
  • Locate the drain where the condensation should be running into. This is usually near the condensation pipe at near the air conditioning central unit.
  • Check to see if this drain has a blockage.
  • Clear any debris from the drain and see if the water starts to run through or not.
  • Pour some water into the condensation drain pan and see if the pump is working or not. If the pump fails to work, you will need to call in a technician.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Try to run these checks on your air conditioner at least once a month, especially if they are used heavily. By following these tips you can expect to pick up any minor issues before any real damage is done.

How to be Successful in Your Car Accident Compensation Claim

Being involved in a road accident can be one of the most difficult and stressful events you and your family ever go through. You probably want to make it easier by claiming the compensation you deserve, so read this guide.

Recover First

As much as you might want to go ahead with the legal action and get to the bottom of what happened straight away, it’s always best to make sure you are fully fit first. Injuries sustained during a car accident obviously vary greatly. But whether your injuries are major minor, recovery time is key.

Immediately after the crash, you should get medical attention. Even if you feel fine, it might just be the adrenaline and shock masking the pain caused by your injuries. A medical professional should be given the chance examine you carefully. Then, accept the diagnosis and do as the doctor tells you in order to recover as quickly as possible.

Find a Lawyer

Choosing which lawyer to take the case forward with is a big decision and not one that should be taken lightly. You should comfortable with them on a personal level, and also confident that they have the required skills and experience to get the right outcome for you. Talk to numerous lawyers before you decide.

Don’t just go for a cheap option though, browse more reputable firms such as Miami injury attorney. It’s also best to use a firm that operates on a no win, no fee basis. That means they’ll only take on your case if they’re confident of winning it and you lose nothing if you don’t win it.

Decide if You Have a Case

Once you take your case to a lawyer, they will first look over it and see what chances you have of winning compensation. As I mentioned above, a lot of law firms won’t even take on your case if they don’t think it’s strong enough to win. But if they don’t work on a no win, no fee basis, the law firm will probably take on your case no matter what.

This means it will be left down to you to decide whether your case is strong enough to proceed. Be honest with yourself and ask if the accident really was the fault of someone else. If it were your fault in any way, your claim for compensation would probably be unsuccessful so you’d be wasting your time and cash.

Put Together Your Case

There are two types of claim that you might want to make. The first is a road accident claim, and the other is a personal injury claim. The money you get from the road accident claim will cover the costs of vehicle repair, car hire costs, depreciation, loss of value to the car and loss of earnings.

The money that you win from the personal injury claim can be claimed for the cost of treatment, loss of amenity and pain and suffering caused. So, you need to decide which of these two apply to you (it could be both), and then put together your case alongside your lawyer.

If you take all the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be sure to make a successful car accident compensation claim.


Getting Your Home Inspected: Six Make or Break Issues and What to do About Them

Having a home inspection is essential to perform on a property every few years or when looking to sell the home, but it’s a crucial process to learn what issues may be lurking. Although some of the most common problems are easy to repair, others are often make or break issues that need immediate attention.

  1. Mold

Mold is often the determining factor if a home is going to be purchased or not if the fungal species is found due to the allergens and health risks that is often causes. The indoor moisture will then need to be controlled, as well as part of the home tore out to remove the exposed mold. A local mold removal company will be able to properly test and remove the affected area.

  1. Pest Infestation

Pest infestations can cause extreme damage to the property and structure of the home for a problem that will only escalate with time. Don’t hesitate to hire a professional exterminator.

  1. Damaged Roofs

Damaged roofs are a crucial part of the home to repair immediately if they are damaged or are deteriorating. It can easily lead to mold inside of the home if water makes its way through the roof. Hire a roofing company in Minneapolis who can repair or replace the entire roof in a quick time frame. This is one of the major repair that home owners have to take care of, when buying a home, depending on how long you plan to own it, you should count on having this expense.

  1. Poor Ventilation

Too much over-sealing of the home can lead to moisture inside of the property and cause damage to the plaster, as well as rotting the structural elements. If the problem is not immediately fixed, it will eventually lead to mold in kitchens and bathrooms. A professional ventilation service will be able to improve the circulation in the home.

  1. Plumbing Issues

Plumbing issues are crucial to repair as they can often lead to burst pipes and thousands of dollars in home damage. This is another one that many people think you can hold off on, but the costs may seem high, but the alternative it always more expensive. Plumbing issues should always be dealt with right away. But Contact a local plumber to inspect the pipes and repair any common issues that are prone to escalate.

  1. Electrical Problems

The electrical wiring in homes can often cause house fires, which is a make or break issue that needs immediate attention. Older homes often are also more prone to open splice wires and exposed electrical wires. A local electrician should be contacted to properly fix the issues instead of trying to do them yourself.

It can be a headache to deal with the aftermath of a home inspection, but it’s crucial to maintain the overall maintenance on the home and ensure that it remains a safe and habitable place to live. By contacting local professionals who have experience with the issues, it will ensure a fast repair with long-term benefits.

Why do Women Have Wardrobe Full of Unworn Cloths?

Any man who lives with a woman can tell you how he has been given a small cupboard to store his clothes whereas the woman of the house occupies the rest of the entire wardrobe.

Statistics have clearly revealed that 62% of women store clothes in their wardrobe which they have never worn, many with the tags still intact. Let us understand why such a large group of women have a huge stock of unworn clothes;

Sentimental Value:

Women often hold on to old clothes even after they know that they will never wear them because these cloths remind them of old and good memories. Throwing them away might be a painful process hence they stack them far behind in their wardrobe instead of disposing them.

Trying to Lose Weight to Fit into Old Cloths:

This is the major reason why a woman’s wardrobe is full of clothes. The increase in the percentage of overweight and obese women trying to lose weight leads to them holding onto their old cloths. The owners do not want to throw them away as they are waiting to lose weight to fit into them. This leads to storing excess cloths in a wardrobe corresponding to all ranges of weight.

Buying Aspirational Sized Clothes:

Many potential dieters who are trying to lose weight shop for clothes a size smaller than their current size for motivation. This leads to an unnecessary future shopping and adding a greater number of unused clothes in the wardrobe.

Waiting for Old Fashion to Return:

Many women do not want to throw away out-of-fashion expensive clothes just because they are waiting for the fashion to come back. This is definitely possible and when the fashion returns, you will save lots of money, but the only downside is that these clothes would occupy space in your wardrobe and will not be used for quite some time.

Irrational Shopping:

The most common reason a woman shops is for irrational reasons such as shopping for passing time or for mood lifting. Many women, when stressed out, go shopping to get relaxation and satisfaction.


Majority of women wait for the sale season to start and shop for items which they do not even need, ‘why?’, because they think they are saving lots of money by buying discounted items well in advance than paying full price later in the future. Well we all know this is mere psychological reasoning and more than half of the item’s women buy is just because it has a 50% discount tag hanging from it.

We are not judging a woman here for going on a shopping spree or overloading her wardrobe, this is a personal choice. An easier way for you to store your sentimental clothes or the ones you plan on wearing in the future is to rent a public-storage in Walnut Creek to store away all your valuable possessions safely. This would let you preserve your old clothes and reuse them whenever you wish to, without overloading your wardrobe.

Your Guide: What Should You Expect from Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Hi beauties! I’m not sure whether I’ve mentioned this before (because telling the Internet about my body hair is not something I do often), but I have hair. Hair that grows back in the blink of an eye. Hair so prominent that I started shaving my arms because my bf’s was less obvious that mine. I also rock a ladystache if I’m not careful. I think this is because I have suspected PCOS (lady troubles, to cut a long story short).

All this means that I’m really interested in different forms of hair removal. I’m a wimp about wax, hair removal cream works a bit but I mostly shave. So, things like laser hair removal are always on my mind. At the moment, the only thing putting me off is my unemployment (okay and maybe the ‘wimp’ thing). Lol. That hasn’t stopped me looking into things. And if you’re the same way, today’s Your Guide guest post on what to expect from laser hair removal treatments might be useful. Take a look!

What Should You Expect from Laser Hair Removal Treatments

Do you think that laser hair removal is a good way for you to get rid of unwanted hair? Have you more or less decided to undergo the procedure? Well, if so, it’s important to know what you can expect throughout the entire process. So, here’s a quick explanation of how the entire process works.

Making Sure You’re a Good Candidate

Not everyone is a good candidate for laser hair removal. That is something that you should discuss with your doctor or specialist. However, in general, it works best on people with darker hair. So, you should definitely keep that in mind.

Selecting a Clinic

If you and your doctor or specialist have determined that you would be a good candidate, the next step is selecting a clinic or medical office such as Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Fort Lauderdale Area to perform the procedure for you. You might be tempted to go with the clinic that is geographically closest to you, but here are some things to ask yourself:

  • Are they using the right type of laser for my skin type and the procedure I want?
  • Are their prices reasonable?
  • How long have they been in business?
  • Do they seem knowledgeable?
  • Do they seem to have happy customers?
  • Are their staff members properly certified?

Make sure that you get the answers to these and other questions before you schedule a procedure with any clinic. You should be completely comfortable with your choice, or you should continue searching for a better clinic to perform the procedure.

Adjusting Your Pre-Laser Hair Removal Routine

Before you have a hair laser procedure you should also adjust your routine a bit. For example, it’s best to avoid going out in the sun too much for several days before the procedure. Too much sun exposure can cause problems. Also, it’s best not to wax the area within a few days of having the procedure performed. Otherwise the laser may have trouble finding roots (follicles) to target.

Undergoing the Procedure Itself

As far as the procedure itself goes, you should expect to be at the clinic for a maximum of about two hours, especially if it’s your first visit. That includes time to fill out necessary paperwork. Once the paperwork is filled out, the procedure itself is likely to take around an hour, depending on how much of your skin is being treated.

During treatment your skin is likely to feel hot. You might also experience a slightly uncomfortable “zapping” sensation. It may feel like a mild static electricity shock, or like someone is snapping several elastic bands against the skin in the treated area.

Recovery, Side Effects, and After Care

You really shouldn’t have to worry too much about recovery, side effects, and after care. Although, blisters do happen on occasion. Also, your skin will be sensitive to sunlight for several days after the procedure. So, you should try to stay indoors or wear strong sunscreen as much as possible. Even so, it’s a small price to pay for skin that will stay smooth for a long time.

Renovate your House without Disrupting Your Life-8 Tips

Everyone associates remodeling of a home with spending tons of money but people forget how stressful the whole process could be. Following are few useful tips to help you work through the difficult times of renovation;

1.Make a Realistic Plan:

Do not expect your studio-sized apartment to look like a mansion. Be extremely realistic with your expectations. Do not over-think about everything. Sit with an Interior Decorator and get an expert opinion about finalizing the layout.

  1. Fix a Budget:

First, understand what amount you are willing to spend. Then work the entire remodeling around it. Keep a little extra amount to be added to the cost if required later. Just keep some buffer money.

  1. Find a Good Contractor:

This is the most important thing. Many contractors promise big and deliver less.  Make sure you do a thorough research of who you are hiring. It is advisable to hire an interior decorator, it will be their work to get things done by the contractor. You will be stress-free.

  1. Work out a Vito System with your Partner:

Decide whom amongst the both of you is more creative. Both of you can choose together but in times when there is a conflict of choice, let one partner be the decider. Chose that beforehand to make this remodeling stress-free.

  1. Spin Things Around for Kids:

Your kitchen might be under renovation, so think something creative like a BBQ night in the garden area. Shift your microwave to another room and get ready-to-eat meal packs for dinner.

  1. Renovate Room by Room:

It is not a good idea to renovate the entire house all at once. Instead start from one room, finish that and start another. This is a good method to not mess the entire house for renovation.

  1. Move, if You Have to:

If you need to finish the renovation fast and cannot do one room at a time, then it is a good idea to rent a temporary apartment and shift till the renovations are done. It is an extra expenditure but at least it will save you from unnecessary mess and stress. Relocating may have disrupting effects on your kid’s life especially their studies, etc. Few modifications such as online tuitions and learning can really help them catch up and not miss any education.

  1. Take a vacation:

An interesting tactic is to take a vacation during the renovation. Talk to your contractor and explain all the work before you leave. Make sure to ask your best friend to keep an eye on them.

It is quite impossible to remain stress-free during renovation but following these tips might help you to kick the majority of renovation related stress, out of your life.

How to Determine Your Body Shape

I like people watching.  Everyone is so different.  But no matter what size they are, people generally have one of the four body shapes:  ruler, hourglass, pear, or cone.  Your body shape is pre-determined genetically and does not change whether you are taller, skinner, or fatter.

Your body shape depends on how your weight is distributed on your frame. You can be overweight and still considered a ruler.  In my early 20s, I mistakenly believe that my body shape is a pear.  I figured that since the bottom half of me is heavier than the top, I must be a pear since I was too big to be a ruler (little did I know that 10 years later I would roll my eyes at that comment while I sit here writing.  Such naiveté is only cute on the young.).

The 4 body shapes and where the weight is distributed

One body shape is not better than the other.  Your body shape only determines where your body distributes your weight.  Your body shape is like the color of your eyes; it is determined by the genetic lottery pool in your genes.  Sure some people might have a preference for blue eyes, but it does not mean there is something wrong if you happen to have hazel or brown eyes.  You just need to make the best of what you are born with.


  • Little to no difference in the measurements between your chest, waist, and hips
  • Tend to store excess weight in your midsection
  • Very few curves


  • Significant difference in the measurements between your chest and waist (and hips and waist)
  • Tend to store excess weight in your upper and lower body, but more slender at the waist
  • Curvy


  • Significant difference in the measurements between your waist and hips (with the measurement on your hips considerably larger).
  • Tend to store excess weight in your hips, thighs, and butt
  • Eyes tend to zero in on the lower half of your body when looking in the mirror


  • Significant difference in the measurements between your chest and waist (with the measurement on your chest considerably larger).
  • Tend to store excess weight in your back, chest, arms, and stomach
  • Eyes tend to zero in on the upper half of your body when looking in the mirror

Using your measurements to determine your body shape

It is more difficult to determine your body shape when you are overweight.  If you are anything like me, you probably only see your trouble spots.  Many women tend to think they are pears because they naturally have curves in the lower half of their bodies or are focused on the size of their thighs when they are overweight.  Your body shape is not determined by your size or your weight.  It is determined by how your weight is distributed throughout your body.  You can be small breasted and still be considered a cone.  It is the circumference around your chest that counts, not your cup size.

The three measurements you need to take are the circumference around your chest, waist, and hip:

Chest: Place the tape across the middle of your breast or chest and around your back.  Exhale before taking your measurement

Waist: Place the tape around your waist, 1-inch above your belly button

Hips: Place the tape at the widest spot below your hips but still above your butt

Compare your measurements to the guidelines below to find your body shape (remember it is the proportion that determines your body shape, not the numbers itself):


  • All three measurements tend to be relatively close with no significant differences between your chest, waist, and hips
  • Common measurements: 34-30-35, 36-33-37, or 40-36-42 (notice how there is less than a 5-inch difference between any of the measurements)


  • The measurements between the chest and hips are relatively close
  • There is at least a 6-inch difference between your chest /hips and waist.
  • Common measurements:  33-26-33, 36-30,38, 34-28-35, 39-32-38, or 42-35-44 (notice how there is less than 3-inch difference between the chest and hips)


  • The measurements between the chest and waist are relatively close
  • There is at least a 6-inch difference between your waist and hips
  • Common measurements:  34-30-38, 36-30-44, or 32-28-39


  • The measurements between the waist and hips are relatively close
  • There is at least a 6-inch difference between your chest and hips
  • Common measurements:  36-32-30, 40-36-33, or 34-30-29

Final Thoughts on Determining Your Body Shape

I used to believe that I am a pear when in reality I am a ruler.  No matter how hard I work my abs, I cannot get that hourglass nip at the waist like my sister.  I need to work with my body shape instead of fighting it.  I can work on my upper body muscles to make my waist look smaller.

Your body shape only defines how the weight is distributed on your body.  You can be overweight and still considered a ruler.  I know when you think of ruler, the automatic image is a thin person.  If you look closely at the measurement guidelines above, an overweight person can be a ruler; their measurements are just proportionally bigger.  How is this information going to help your weight loss goals?  The first step to identifying weight loss exercises for your body is to find your body shape.

If you want to find out more information about dressing for your body shape, you might want to read The Pocket Stylist. Please note that the book offers a good discussion about body shape and dressing, but does not offer as much photos as I would have liked.

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